Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Cuppa Cold Tea?

At work we are in the process of getting a new computer system.  The old software is 'read only', new data is being hand written, prescription requests are disappearing into a big black hole and patients are frustrated with our temporary 'book on the day' procedure. Staff are taking turns leaving the ship to attend training sessions for the new software and in the midst of all the chaos there is one major problem brewing, or not brewing should I say? 

The kettle in the downstairs kitchen has broken down.  For some reason it won't work.  Perhaps the fuse has blown in the plug?  No one has bothered to check because they're too busy worrying about where their next brew is coming from.  The lost prescriptions and angry patients have soon been forgotten.  All of a sudden they are no longer a problem.  The lack of brewing facilities in the downstairs kitchen is the biggest nightmare of them all and even the Assistant Practice Manager has joined in with the shrills and cries in the back office.  They can't have the kettle from upstairs because the upstairs boiler thingy isn't working.  They must switch on theirs and wait for it to warm up before they get their thirst quenching brew.  Hard times.

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