Monday, 7 February 2011

So the resolution lasted all of a week!

But I have my reasons why. 

It started with my dad being ill.  Thankfully he's better now but one scare put a lot of things into perspective. Not just for me but for my whole family.  Before he was ill there was some resentment and things being taken for granted.  Now we're back to how things used to be :)

My new job is going really well, it's a doddle really and everyone is so lovely.  Got the contract to sign now so probation period is officially over.  Hooray!

I have been reading loads, so much I'm well behind on the book reviews aren't I?  In fact I'm still to sit down and concentrate on one properly but the paperbacks keeping beckoning to me.

And finally I've been working on the same short story for ages now.  Can't seem to get it right, finally seeked advice off friends but I'm still not happy with it.  I certainly don't think it's competition material or even worth submitting to a magazine or anything.  I'm quite cross with myself for producing drivel.  Think I'll start another - it involves tea. 

1 comment:

  1. it wan't drivel, just needs polishing, as all gems do! Don't give up:)
